Board Position Expression of Interest
Over the last five years the Church in the South Pacific Division has been blessed to have church members with diverse skills and experience make valuable contributions to the work and mission of the Church by giving their time, unique expertise and experience to key boards of governance and committees.
We are seeking church members who have a strong commitment to the mission and values of the church and who wish to contribute to that mission through service on a governing board or committee for the next quinquennium (2025 – 2030). If you have expertise and experience in professional disciplines such as governance, risk management, human resources, change management, finance, actuarial science, marketing, health, media, WHS, legal, logistics, manufacturing, higher education and international development, to name a few, or have life experience and a passion to serve, we invite you to register your interest by clicking the link below.
For more information about many of the boards and committees read on.
ACA Health Benefits Fund Limited Board
Wahroonga, NSW | 1 day, 5 times per year
Seeking professionals with independence of mind, impartiality, proven business acumen, good judgement and experience in strategic planning, investment and finance, actuarial science, sales and marketing, human resources, work health and safety, law, risk management or private health insurance and are not disqualified from being a director. In addition to Board meetings, directors are requested to serve on one of the Board subcommittees with an additional time requirement of 2-3 hours four times a year.
ADRA Australia Ltd Board
Wahroonga, NSW | 1 day, 4 times per year
Seeking church members with a professional background in either management, human resources, finance, actuarial science, WHS, law, marketing and/or fundraising, international development, community welfare or disaster relief.
ADRA New Zealand Board
Auckland, NZ | ½ day, 4 times per year
Seeking church members with a professional background in either international development, community welfare, emergency/disaster relief, marketing/fundraising, law or human resources.
AdSafe Ltd Board
Wahroonga, NSW | 1 day, 4-6 times per year
Seeking professionals with a background in the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults with a focus on those with experience in case management, governance and/or training.
Adventist Healthcare Ltd Board (Sydney Adventist Hospital)
Wahroonga, NSW | 1 day, 7-8 times per year
Seeking professionals with a background in either healthcare, strategy, accounting and finance, medical litigation, risk management, people and change management. More information, including the selection criteria, is available here.
Adventist Media Committee
Wahroonga, NSW | 1 day, 4 times per year
Seeking professionals with a commitment to sharing the Gospel through the electronic and print media with a background in marketing, management, finance, social media, media production or involvement in media ministry and evangelism.
Australian Union Conference Executive Committee / AUC Limited Board
Ringwood, Vic | 3 hours 2x per year in the evenings and 2x per year for 2 days in May & November
Seeking members with backgrounds in church administrative committees such as conference or union executive committees or church institution boards of management.
Avondale University College Council
Cooranbong, NSW | 1 day, 7-8 times per year
Seeking members with strong professional backgrounds in higher education, management, finance, commerce, human resource management, work health and safety, risk management, or other professional fields.
SPD Education Committee
Wahroonga, NSW | ½ day, 2 times per year
Seeking education professionals who have had experience in K-12. An interest in Adventist Education and current educational issues is essential.
Division Executive Committee
Wahroonga, NSW | 2-3 days, once per year
Seeking members with backgrounds in church administrative committees such as conference or union executive committees or church institution boards of management.
Division Company Boards
Wahroonga, NSW | 1 day, 4 times per year
Seeking members with backgrounds in church administrative committees such as conference or union executive committees or church institution boards of management.
New Zealand Pacific Union Conference Executive Committee
Auckland, NZ | 2 days, 2 times per year
Seeking members with backgrounds in church administrative committees such as conference or union executive committees or church institution boards of management and who possess financial, legal, governance or strategic planning skills.
Pacific Adventist University Council
Port Moresby, PNG | 2 days, 3 times per year
Seeking members with strong professional backgrounds in higher education, research, Pacific region management, finance-commercial affairs, human resource management, development, building, work health and safety, risk management, legal affairs or other professional fields.
Seventh-day Adventist Church (Division Services) Ltd Board
Wahroonga, NSW | 1 day, 3-4 times per year
Seeking members with strong professional backgrounds in management, finance, insurance, risk management, WHS, workers compensation and legal compliance.
Division CCMF Limited Board
Wahroonga, NSW – ½ day 3-4 times per year
Seeking professionals with backgrounds in finance, banking, investment, risk management and governance.
Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Group Boards
2 days, 6 times per year
Seeking professionals with a strong senior management or large business background in manufacturing, corporate law, human resource management, marketing, logistics, risk management, finance or taxation.
To submit an expression of interest in serving on any of the listed boards and committees, please complete the online application below. Your application will remain current throughout the quinquennium. For further information please don’t hesitate to contact the People Services Team on 02 9847 3218 or
Closing date: June 30, 2025